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Die Materialdatenbank beinhaltet Medien zu unseren Themenschwerpunkten Arbeitsbedingungen in der Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie sowie Umweltauswirkungen von Bekleidung.  Zu den Medienarten zählen z.B. Studien, Leitfäden und Berichte aber auch Filme und Podcasts oder Webtools.

Fast Fashion hat die Textilbranche von Grund auf verändert. Die Bekleidungsindustrie überschüttet den Planeten geradezu mit Textilien: 56 Millionen Tonnen Kleidung werden jährlich verkauft. Influencer und Neuromarketing sorgen für steigenden Absatz. Doch die Billigkleidung hat einen hohen Preis wie etwa prekäre Beschäftigungsverhältnisse und die katastrophale Umweltbilanz.

Die Doku beleuchtet verschiedene Aspekte der Fast Fashion Industrie.

Herausgeber*in/Autor*in: ARTE France; Regisseur*in: Edouard Perrin; Produzent*in: Premiere Ligne
Medienart: Film
Erscheinungsjahr: 2020

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The questions explored in this report are related to the purchasing practices of brands and retailers as they place new orders with suppliers during the continued Covid-19 pandemic.

How are brands responding to their business partners’ distressed circumstances? Are they treating suppliers fairly? Or are brands and retailers taking advantage of suppliers’ desperation to extract price discounts and other concessions? How are current trends in order volume and pricing affecting the viability of suppliers? What will be the impact on the tens of millions of workers who sew apparel for their livelihood?

To answer these questions, this report examines the findings from a new survey of apparel suppliers conducted during July and August of 2020. It also draws on recent trade data, interviews with stakeholders, quarterly financial reports, and other sources.

Herausgeber*in/Autor*in: Center for Global Workers’ Rights (CGWR); Autor*in: Mark Anner, Ph.D.
Medienart: Hintergrundinformation
Erscheinungsjahr: 2020

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Low wage women workers are least likely to have access to limited social safety nets, and most earn wages too low to save. As economies contract and millions of workers are fired, older women are among the first to lose their jobs. The unprecedented impacts of COVID-19 are deep and far-reaching, affecting the health and livelihoods of more than 150 million workers in global supply chains and 40 million workers in fast fashion supply chains—a workforce largely made up of women. Government and corporate responses to COVID-19 have exposed vast structural inequalities created by supply chain production models.

This report reviews the gendered impact of COVID-19—and the need for a transformational approach to prevent and end GBVH using guidance from C190*—in the context of Asian fast fashion supply chains which produce primarily consumer apparel and footwear. The report highlights the persistent risk factors for violence that both predate and are exacerbated by COVID-19. It provides detailed guidance for fast fashion lead firms on steps they can take to uphold C190 obligations to address violence on garment supply chains in context of the global public health crisis and the economic shocks caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. While this report focuses on fast fashion supply chains, the guidance for corporate accountability to achieve violence free workplaces provides an important roadmap across global supply chain sectors.

* C190 is the first international labor standard to lay out a gender-inclusive approach to addressing violence in the world of work and measures to end GBVH, including addressing risks associated with discrimination, unequal relationships of power and occupational health and safety

Herausgeber*in/Autor*in: Global Labor Justice; Autor*in: Shikha Silliman Bhattacharjee
Medienart: Hintergrundinformation
Erscheinungsjahr: 2020

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Dieses Papier des OECD Centre for Responsible Business Conduct gibt einen Überblick über die Herausforderungen der COVID-19-Krise für das unternehmerische Handeln und skizziert erste Reaktionen staatlicher Stellen und Unternehmen. Es beschreibt, inwiefern verantwortungsvolles unternehmerisches Handeln zur Bewältigung der Krise beitragen kann und stellt die möglichen kurz- und langfristigen Vorteile eines solchen Vorgehens heraus.

Ein Kapitel behandelt insbesondere die Auswirkungen der COVID-19 Pandemie auf globale Lieferketten und verdeutlicht dies am Beispiel der Bekleidungsindustrie in Bangladesch.

Herausgeber*in/Autor*in: OECD Centre for Responsible Business Conduct; Autor*in: Generalsekretär der OECD
Medienart: Hintergrundinformation
Erscheinungsjahr: 2020

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This article assesses the impact of the crisis on sourcing operations and spotlights the steps that companies are taking in their immediate response. Then the strategies—and the paradigm shift—that will be necessary to reshape sourcing practices moving forward are pivoted. Two key objectives for this long-term transformation are suggested: a demand-driven supply-chain model and sustainable sourcing. It is emphasized that, for every fashion close collaboration at all levels along the value chain is required.

It was conducted a largescale survey among sourcing executives and a broader group of stakeholders—asking both how companies can respond to the crisis now and how they envision the future of the industry. The survey, conducted between April 14 and April 22, 2020, engaged 116 sourcing executives from fashion retailers and brands predominantly in North America and Western Europe; between them they manage more than $120 billion in sourcing value. Insights from more than 230 other Sourcing Journal subscribers are included, who are stakeholders across the value chain, including suppliers, agents, and academics. The survey was conducted in collaboration with the Sourcing Journal. These sourcing executives and stakeholders make clear that, beyond immediate crisis management, the industry needs to shift towards a more sustainable and demand-centric future.

Herausgeber*in/Autor*in: McKinsey; Autor*in: Achim Berg, Lara Haug, Saskia Hedrich Karl-Hendrik Magnus
Medienart: Hintergrundinformation
Erscheinungsjahr: 2020

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