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Durable, repairable and mainstream – How ecodesign can make our textiles circular

Textile products have a tremendous ecological footprint at all stages of their lives. As more clothes are produced, consumed, and thrown away than ever before, the current linear, take-make-dispose model followed by the textile industry is putting an enormous pressure on our planet – its resources, environment, and climate.

This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the current situation and goes on to explore the policies and standardisation actions needed to advance towards circular textiles, building on the lessons learnt from the implementation of the ecodesign approach in other sectors.

Herausgeber*in/Autor*in: ECOS; Autor*in: Valeria Botta, Ivo Cabra
Medienart: Hintergrundinformation
Erscheinungsjahr: 2021

Zielgruppe: Student*innen, Erwachsene
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 32 Seiten
Bezug: kostenfrei zum Download

Suchbegriffe: Bekleidungsindustrie, Chemikalien, Kreislaufwirtschaft, Klimawandel, Lebenszyklus, Mikroplastik, Qualität, Recycling, Reparierbarkeit, Siegel, Textile Kette, Textilindustrie, Umweltverschmutzung, Wasserverbrauch

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