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Die Materialdatenbank beinhaltet Medien zu unseren Themenschwerpunkten Arbeitsbedingungen in der Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie sowie Umweltauswirkungen von Bekleidung.  Zu den Medienarten zählen z.B. Studien, Leitfäden und Berichte aber auch Filme und Podcasts oder Webtools.

Die Deutschen bestellen immer mehr im Netz – und schicken immer häufiger Pakete zurück. Kaum jemand weiß allerdings, dass ein großer Teil der Retouren nicht wiederverkauft wird, sondern im Müll landet. Nur Einer von Zehn ist sich dieser Verschwendung bewusst, zeigt die Greenpeace-Umfrage zum Online-Kaufverhalten 2018.

Herausgeber*in/Autor*in: Greenpeace
Medienart: Hintergrundinformation
Erscheinungsjahr: 2018

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This book provides a comprehensive overview of new insights into consumer behaviour mechanisms in order to shift practices toward sustainable fashion and to minimize the negative impacts of fast fashion on the environment and society. Concepts and techniques are presented that could overcome the formidable economic drivers of fast fashion and lead toward a future of sustainable fashion.

While the need for change in the fashion industry post-Rana Plaza could not be more obvious, alternative and more sustainable consumption models have been under-investigated. The paucity of such research extends to highly consumptive consumer behaviours regarding fast fashion (i.e. impulse buying and throwaways) and the related impediments these behaviours pose for sustainable fashion.

Written by leading researchers in the field of sustainable fashion and supported by the Textile Institute, this book evaluates fashion trends, what factors have led to new trends and how the factors supporting fast fashion differ from those of the past. It explores the economic drivers of fast fashion and what social, environmental and political factors should be maintained, and business approaches adopted, in order for fast fashion to be a sustainable model. In particular, it provides consumer behaviour concepts that can be utilized at the retail level to support sustainable fashion.

Herausgeber*in/Autor*in: Carolin Becker-Leifhold, Mark Heuer
Medienart: Hintergrundinformation
Erscheinungsjahr: 2018

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Fast fashion is a clothing supply chain model that is intended to respond quickly to the latest fashion trends by frequently updating the clothing products available in stores. The shift towards fast fashion leads to shorter practical service lives for garments. Collaborative consumption is an alternative way of doing business to the conventional model of ownership-based consumption, and one that can potentially reduce the environmental impacts of fashion by prolonging the practical service life of clothes. In this study, we used life cycle assessment to explore the environmental performance of clothing libraries, as one of the possible ways in which collaborative consumption can be implemented, and compared the advantages and disadvantages in relation to conventional business models. Furthermore, the key factors influencing the environmental impact of clothing libraries were investigated. We based our assessment on three key popular garments that are stocked in clothing libraries: jeans, T-shirts and dresses. The results showed the benefits of implementing clothing libraries associated with the garments’ prolonged service lives. Therefore to achieve environmental gains, it is important to substantially increase garment service life. Moreover, the results quantitatively demonstrated the potential risk of problem shifting: increased customer transportation can completely offset the benefits gained from reduced production. This highlighted the need to account for the logistics when implementing collaborative consumption business models.

Herausgeber*in/Autor*in: Autor*in: Bahareh Zamani, Gustav Sandin, Greg M.Peters
Medienart: Hintergrundinformation
Erscheinungsjahr: 2017

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The purpose of this study is to critically examine, in the context of the Fast-Fashion industry, the relevance of Eco-Fashion on young consumers’ attitudes and perceptions of the brands, in order to disclose the relationships between Eco-fashion strategies and customers’ brand loyalty – or consumers’ purchase intentions. The research design reckons on a mono method, based on a quantitative online survey conducted among 216 targeted respondents from four age groups and two different countries (China – UK). The findings reveal that, although fast-fashion consumers still lack of knowledge about the negative impacts of this industry, Eco-fashion strategies are playing a increasingly important role in fast-fashion consumption. Besides, the growing significance of sustainability in the fast-fashion industry has impacted consumers’ attitudes towards the brands, thus influencing their customers’ loyalty and purchase decision-making. Academically, the value and originality of the research relies on the newness of the thematic, since so far only few studies have focused on exploring the relationship between Eco-fashion and the Fast-fashion consumers’ perspectives of the brands. On the contrary, in the business field, Fast-Fashion retailers -in order to earn long-term profit have realized the importance of developing and implementing strategies aimed at exploiting the potentialities of the above-mentioned relationship. Therefore, this study has relevance also in terms of managerial implications for Fast-fashion retailers, since it gives some suggestions that can help the latters to achieve economic profit. 

Herausgeber*in/Autor*in: Autor*in: Daniella Ryding, Myriam Caratù, Qian Qi Jia, Claudia Henningers
Medienart: Hintergrundinformation
Erscheinungsjahr: 2017

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Mit der Repräsentativbefragung im Rahmen des InNaBe-Forschungsprojekts sollte untersucht werden, a) welche Faktoren den Konsum von und den Umgang mit Kleidung bestimmen und b) inwieweit die notwendigen Veränderungen in Richtung eines nachhaltigeren Kleidungskonsums von den Verbraucher*innen mitgetragen werden bzw. in welchen gesellschaftlichen Segmenten mit einer schnellen Diffusion nachhaltige Innovationen zu rechnen ist und welche Hemmnisse oder Treiber bestehen. Folgende Inhalte wurden in der Befragung berücksichtigt:

  • Problembewusstsein in Bezug auf Kleidungsproduktion und -konsum
  • persönliche Bedeutung von Mode und Kleidung
  • Einstellungen zum Kleidungskauf
  • Ansprüche an Kleidung/ Kaufmotive
  • Umfang des Kleidungskaufs
  • Nutzungsdauer von Kleidungsstücken
  • Gründe für das Aussortieren von Kleidung
  • Einstellungen zu sozial- und umweltverträglich produzierter Kleidung
  • Einstellungen zu Kleidung aus zweiter Hand
  • Einstellungen zur Nutzung von Angeboten, die zur Verlängerung der Nutzungszeit von Kleidung beitragen können, Hemmnisse
  • Bereitschaft zur Einschränkung des Kleidungskaufs/-konsums

Herausgeber*in/Autor*in: Forschungsverbund InNaBe; Autor*in: Silke Kleinhückelkotten, H.-Peter Neitzke & Nora Schmidt
Medienart: Hintergrundinformation
Erscheinungsjahr: 2017

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