Recherchetool für Materialien Fashion’s Plastic Paralysis – How Brands Resist Change and Fuel Microplastic Pollution This report examines the growing reliance of international fashion brands on synthetic fibres, a major driver of microplastic pollution, and their lack of support for meaningful legislation. Despite increasing evidence of the environmental and health risks, the industry uses distraction and delay tactics to protect its fast fashion business model. The report evaluates 50 major fashion brands on their use of synthetic fibres and their strategies to address microplastic pollution. Synthetic fibres, particularly polyester, now account for over two-thirds of textile production and contribute significantly to plastic pollution, leading to serious environmental and health issues. Despite these negative impacts, most brands continue to use synthetic materials and resist substantial change. Herausgeber*in/Autor*in: Changing Markets; Autor*innen: Urska Trunk Nusa Urbancic Amy Nguyen Medienart: Hintergrundinformation Erscheinungsjahr: 2024 Zielgruppe: Student*innen, Erwachsene, Unternehmen, Lehrende, Dozent*innen Sprache: Englisch Umfang: 74 Seiten Bezug: kostenfrei zum Download Suchbegriffe: Mikroplastik, Fast Fashion, Umweltverschmutzung, Fossile Brennstoffe, Nachhaltigkeit, Polyester, Textilproduktion zurück