Recherchetool für Materialien The Sustainable Fashion Communication Playbook The Sustainable Fashion Communication Playbook, co-published by UNEP and UN Climate Change, provides a shared vision, principles and guidance on how to align consumer-facing communication across the global fashion industry with sustainability targets. It shows how fashion communicators – marketers, brand managers, imagemakers, media, influencers and beyond – can help advance towards the Paris Agreement and Sustainable Development Goals through 1) countering misinformation, 2) reducing messages perpetuating overconsumption, 3) redirecting aspiration to more sustainable lifestyles, and 4) empowering consumers to demand greater action from businesses and policymakers. Herausgeber*in/Autor*in: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), UNFC Medienart: Hintergrundinformation Erscheinungsjahr: 2023 Zielgruppe: Student*innen, Erwachsene Sprache: Englisch Umfang: 102 SeitenBezug: Zum Download (PDF-Datei) Suchbegriffe: Bekleidungsindustrie, Greenwashing, Nachhaltigkeit, Nachhaltigkeitsbericht, Transparenz Ähnliche Materialien Cotton: A case study in Misinformation Whitepaper: The Great Greenwashing Machine Part 1: Back to the roots of sustainability Ein Überblick zu Standards, Siegeln und Multistakeholderinitiativen in der Textilindustrie Understanding Impact – Research insights from Better Work 2017-2022 Zertifizierung in der Textilbranche – Einblicke in die Arena nachhaltiger Strategien zurück