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Exclusive: Fast fashion giant Inditex wants to be sustainable. But is it?

In recent years, fast fashion brands like Zara have promised to produce and sell clothes in a more sustainable way for both the planet and the people who make their clothes. But this reporting found that those promises are at risk, due to some of Zara's — and its parent company Inditex's — business tactics. 

Herausgeber*in/Autor*in: Context/ Thomson Reuters Foundation
Medienart: Film
Erscheinungsjahr: 2024

Zielgruppe: Student*innen, Schüler*innen Sek I/II, Berufsschule, Erwachsene
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 18 Minuten 

Bezug: hier ansehen

Suchbegriffe: Fast Fashion, Inditex, Arbeitsrecht, Umweltverschmutzung

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