Recherchetool für Materialien Report and Documentary: The Struggles of Karnataka’s Garment Workers Cividep’s report and documentary shed light on the lives of 184 women garment workers in Karnataka, revealing exploitation through low wages, harassment, and unpaid domestic labor extending their workday to 16 hours. The documentary captures their personal stories of hardship, poverty cycles, and how social reproduction subsidizes capitalist profits. Both, the movie and the study call for integrated action between labor and women’s movements to challenge systemic inequities. Herausgeber*in/Autor*in: CIVIDEP; Autor*innen: Rekha Chakravarthi, Kaveri M.T., Prof. Supriya RoyChowdhury Medienart: Hintergrundinformation Erscheinungsjahr: 2024 Zielgruppe: Student*innen, Erwachsene, Lehrende, Dozent*innen Sprache: Englisch Umfang: 43 Seiten Bezug: kostenfrei zum Download Suchbegriffe: Arbeitsrechte, Menschenrechte, Frauenrechte, Gewalt an Frauen, systemische Ungleichheiten zurück