Recherchetool für Materialien Will women workers benefit from living wages? A gender-sensitive approach to living wage benchmarking in global garment and footwear supply chains The global garment and footwear industry relies heavily on the work of women, who represent up to 80% of its global workforce. The current living wage debate presents both opportunities and risks for the millions of women workers in this industry. A living wage is a central enabling human right: as such, it is a powerful tool not only to improve the working situation of women workers but also to create an environment in which they can realize their full capabilities. However, if the benchmark for a living wage is set too low, it risks cementing their current situation, in which they face poverty related gender-specific consequences and multiple burdens of work, including care work, and the challenges arising from income poverty, such as the need to work overtime, engage in multiple jobs, or search for the cheapest food, all of which result in absolute time poverty. This paper therefore argues that it is imperative to adopt a gender-sensitive approach in the living wage discourse, and to look at the implications that such an approach has on the methodology of calculating a living wage and on the measures to implement it. Herausgeber*in/Autor*in: Clean Clothes Campaign, Amsterdam; Public Eye, Zürich; Autor*in: Luginbühl, Christa Medienart: Hintergrundinformation Erscheinungsjahr: 2019 Zielgruppe: Student*innen, Erwachsene Sprache: Englisch Umfang: 23 SeitenBezug: kostenfrei zum Download als PDF-Datei Suchbegriffe: Asia Floor Wage, Care Arbeit, Existenzlohn, Frauen, Gender, Living wage, Produktionsländer Ähnliche Materialien The Europe Floor Wage Benchmark Exploitation made in Europe Living Wage-Portal der Fair Wear Foundation Doing Dutch: a research into the state of pay for workers in garment factories in India working for Dutch fashion brands Was steckt in diesem Shirt? zurück