Recherchetool für Materialien Decent Work and Economic Growth in the South Indian Garment Industry This report focuses on the South Indian garment industry clustered around Tirupur and specifically on the labour challenges faced by the industry. We conducted 135 interviews and engaged in a series of consultations with around 100 further participants (including business actors, workers, NGOs, unions, and government agencies) in South India during 2018-19 to explore these challenges and potential solutions. We found that the industry is at a crossroads. Despite decades of growth it faces three main labour challenges – competitive threats from lower cost producing countries, labour shortages, and reputational challenges around decent work. To tackle these challenges, local actors have experimented with a range of different approaches. We identify four main alternative pathways to change: (i) Economic upgrading; (ii) Responsible migration; (iii) Relocation of manufacturing; (iv) Diversification. We recommend that the industry and its stakeholders should collaborate to develop a shared Vision 2030 and accompanying goals to address decent work and economic growth in the sector. This should be used to drive alignment around a common strategy and provide a means for external branding of the cluster. A multi-stakeholder taskforce should be formed to lead the Vision 2030 initiative. Herausgeber*in/Autor*in: University of Bath; Royal Holloway, University of London; The University of Sheffield; Autor*in: Andrew Crane, Vivek Soundararajan, Michael Bloomfield, Laura J. Spence, Genevieve LeBaron Medienart: Hintergrundinformation Erscheinungsjahr: 2019 Zielgruppe: Erwachsene Sprache: Englisch Umfang: 33 SeitenBezug: kostenfrei zum Download Suchbegriffe: Arbeitsbedingungen, Indien, Initiativen Ähnliche Materialien Gefangen in der Baumwollkette Country Report India - An Overview of the Garment Industry Facts on India’s Garment Industry - India Factsheet Fluter. Mode Early Childhood Care in Bangalore’s Garment Industry - A Multi-stakeholder Consultation zurück