Clean Clothes Campaign We are stronger together than we are on our own. That is why we unite our strengths with many other organisations in Germany and internationally in the fight for better working conditions in the garment industry. The Clean Clothes Campaign (CCC) is an international alliance in 17 European countries that has been working for labour rights in the clothing and footwear industry since its foundation in the Netherlands in 1989. Worldwide, the CCC consists of 200 organisations (e.g. human rights, women's rights, consumer organisations, trade unions). FEMNET is one of the 25 supporting organisations of the Clean Clothes Campaign in Germany. Our contribution FEMNET is significantly involved in the carrier circle of the Clean Clothes Campaign Germany. We support various CCC campaigns such as the activities for the extension of the agreement ‘Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh’ or the #GoTransparent-campaign. We contribute to public relations work and public statements but also participate in street actions. FEMNET’s open join-in-meeting "FairQuatschen" serves as Bonn’s regional group of the CCC. On an international level, we actively participate in various CCC working groups. For engaging in networking and campaign planning, we participate in national and international meetings of the CCC . Our goals The aim of the CCC is to create humane working conditions in the global clothing, sports- and footwear industry. That is what we want to achieve: Companies respect basic human and labour rights throughout the supply chain; states create legal regulations that oblige companies to respect human rights; employees have direct access to complaint mechanisms that investigate, punish and provide compensations for violations. These guiding principles were adopted by the UN Human Rights Council in 2011. The struggles of workers - especially women - in the production countries who are facing violations of labour rights are supported in solidarity, especially through campaigns directed at German purchasing companies. The German public is informed and supports our campaigns. Decent work is based on the conventions of the United Nations’ International Labour Organisation (ILO/ILO). They demand freedom of association, the right to collective bargaining, a minimum age for workers, living wages, safety and health at work, regulation of working hours, and the prohibition of forced labour and discrimination. Trade union rights are particularly important as they pursue humane working conditions and provide ground for workers to stand up for labour rights themselves More informationen: back