#Against Violence to seamstresses

Speakerstour in November 2018.  © Ben Böhm

Informing, educating, breaking taboos
Demanding responsibility from businesses and politics

In Germany, we provide information on the background, consequences and extent of violence against women in the textile sector in India and Bangladesh. A study by our partner organisation BCWS and the report "Breaking the Silence" shed light on the oppressive situation of women and highlight the cruel fates of women.

We confront the public, politics and businesses with these facts. In Germany, we organize lecture tours and information events where women from the producing countries report about their personal fight against violence. We strengthen these activities through broad-based media work in order to bring the topic effectively to the public.

Through advocacy, press and campaign work we want to put pressure on businesses and politics. We call on textile importing companies to target gender-based violence in their suppliers' factories and to involve them in local projects of our partners.



You can support the public impact of our campaign with your photos and videos: Make a statement against violence against women with blue hands.


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